Council of Catholic Women
PCCW will meet March 5th at 10:30 a.m. in Room 9 of the parish center.
JOIN our members, some 80-strong, in fellowship with other Catholic women in Sacred Heart Parish in spiritual, educational and service opportunities. Some efforts are:
- Offers a spiritual mini-retreat in May for parishioners
- Bibles are presented to graduating seniors
- A scholarship is offered to a senior young woman
- Give support to grieving families through the funeral luncheon ministry
- Assist with the Harvest Dinner and Thanksgiving meal
- Organized a book club and Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Host the Advent Potluck Social for all parish women
- Support the Pregnancy Outreach Center through the Mother's Day Ad
- Bingo and Birthday parties are hosted at extended care facilities
- Members support the local soup kitchen
- Organize the Box Day give-away for the community
- Annually sponsor an orphaned student in Uganda through the AidSpirit USA organization
- Support the Catholic Relief Service Works of Peace program as part of collaboration with National Council of Catholic Women
- Promote the Women Helping Women Campaign with Cross Catholic Outreach
To JOIN one of the five Circles call a Parish Council of Catholic Women officer or the parish office (234-1691).