Funeral Luncheon Ministry

Our Council of Catholic Women (CCW) continues to coordinate the funeral luncheon ministry for our parish, and all parishioners are asked to assist in any way possible when there is a funeral planned for a parishioner. Families served by this ministry are always extremely grateful for the luncheons. If you could assist from time to time, please call the parish office at 234-1691 to volunteer.

Funeral luncheon ministry needs include:  

  • providing a food item when attending a funeral;
  • picking up the meat or rolls (from the grocery store deli)  prior to the funeral;
  • assisting with set-up of the serving and dining tables,
  • serving the food  and beverages
  • clean-up;
  • baking an extra dessert, or providing a hot dish or salad. 

God bless you for considering this ministry.

THANK YOU to those who brought food items and helped with the recent funeral luncheons. The families are very appreciative of this service and we could not do it without you.